Write in your style with Alter
Learn how to use your past content to create drafts for LinkedIn, Twitter or long form content for your newsletter or blog.
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Hey everyone,
I’m tired of LinkedIn posts fully generated by AI.
I think we can all agree we don't enjoy reading 100% ChatGPT-generated crap.
So, I want to share how we can use Alter to draft content for LinkedIn, Twitter, newsletters, or blogs in your style and tone, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - your point of view. Your unique access to data, thoughts, and ideas, rather than structure.
The idea is to let AI handle 80% of your draft, so you can work on the remaining 20%.
You can use your LinkedIn or blog posts as the source for Alter to grasp how you structure your writing and what your writing style is.
Everything you've written can help the AI understand your way of writing.
Of course, if you haven't any written content yet, you can draw inspiration from others.
Just make sure not to copy. Infuse your unique approach, making your content authentic and engaging for readers.
Prompt and Video are below:
___ Create an action to draft [TYPE OF POSTS] in the style of [YOUR NAME]. Be highly detailed about his style and tone. Output in [YOUR LANGUAGE]. Use a form input for the instructions. Include examples from his posts.
Where TYPE OF POSTS could be “LinkedIn posts”, “Twitter threads”, “blog articles”, “newsletter posts”, etc.
Need help? Feel free to reach me at [email protected].
To next week!
Bug fixes
Translate Spreadsheet Formula action name in French
Create Alter Action: Fix recurring errors on first generation